January 2025 Series – Wholehearted Living: Spirituality
1/05/2025 Our Infinite Nature
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Our Infinite Nature!
1/12/2025 Living in Faith
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Living in Faith!
1/19/2025 Practicing the Presence
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Practicing the Presence!
01/26/25 You are Precious
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for You are Precious!
If you wish to watch only a portion of the service, scroll to the portion you want to see.
Our Infinite Nature Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Our Infinite Nature,” learning to reflect deeply on 2024, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to enter the new year with intention, grace, and a wholehearted commitment to living fully and authentically..
Our Infinite Nature – Today’s message is “Our Infinite Nature.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, begins our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living. She speaks of embracing the sacred truth of our infinite nature, honoring the eternal essence of who we are, and recognizing the power of connection with others. She explores the profound and sacred truth of our infinite nature—an essence that transcends the limitations of time, space, and physical form. She asks us to be courageous and release our attachments to fear, doubt, and limitation in 2025 so we might step into the boundless freedom of our true essence.
As Lao Tzu writes in the Tao Te Ching:
“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Our Infinite Nature– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Our Infinite Nature, which focuses on embracing the essence of who we are – infinite in nature.
Our Infinite Nature–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Gary Lynn Floyd as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to embrace our infinite nature. Gary sings “O Great Spirit” as you settle into a place of remembering how to feel the peace and love of the Divine moving through you.
Our Infinite Nature– Reading Listen as Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco reads the January 5st excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Potentiality of Possibility . The reading tells us:
“The good news is that whatever you might be working on improving in your life, right now it’s perfect expression is just waiting on your realization of it as your reality.”
Our Infinite Nature– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana begins our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Our Infinite Nature.” What better way to start a new year than by recognizing the essence of who we are and understanding that we are not finite beings having occasional spiritual experiences; rather, we are infinite beings navigating a finite world. Rev. Larrye reminds us our infinite nature is our true identity, a boundless ocean of spirit expressing itself through the waves of our individual lives.
Ernest Holmes tells us:
“We are surrounded by an infinite intelligence that flows through us, is us, and yet is more than we are.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into our infinite nature and recognize the power of connection.
Living in Faith Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Living in Faith,” learning to embrace an inner conviction of Faith and trusting in the unseen.
Living in Faith – Today’s message is “Living in Faith.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Living in Faith.” She speaks of embracing an inner conviction of Faith, trusting in the unseen, and putting our faith into action. She explores surrendering to that natural flow of life with an inner conviction that, even when things don’t go as planned, we know a divine order is at work. She asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us faith does not mean the absence of fear but the courage to act despite it.
Rev. Katherine Economou tells us:
“Faith is the path where the heart leads, and the soul follows. It is where we become co-creators of a world grounded in love.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd, Karen Drucker, and our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Living in Faith– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Living in Faith, which focuses on embracing an inner conviction of Faith.
Living in Faith–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Karen Drucker as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to embrace an inner conviction of living in faith. Karen sings “Be Not Afraid” as you remember the Divine is always with us, so we need not be afraid to do what we have always feared doing or to be exactly who we are.
Living in Faith– Reading Listen as Gloria Nye reads the January 8th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Sustaining Faith . The reading asks us:
“No matter how large the difficulty, can your vision sustain you through the turbulent times? Can you keep your faith in a vision your soul has revealed and remember to turn your life over to God in the midst of a storm?”
Living in Faith– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Living in Faith.” .” Living in faith is not about blind belief or rigid doctrines. It is about cultivating a deep trust in the unseen forces of love, wisdom, and divine order that guide our lives. Faith is the bridge between our human experience and spiritual truth. It allows us to live not by what we see but by what we know to be true at the core of our being.
Rev. Katherine Economou tells us:
“Faith is the quiet voice that whispers when all seems lost. It is the unseen anchor that holds us steady in the storm.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into Living in Faith and recognize the power of anchoring ourselves in the Divine.
Practicing the Presence Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Practicing the Presence,” learning to release the illusion of separation and leaning into the strength and love of God.
Practicing the Presence – Today’s message is “Practicing the Presence.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Practicing the Presence.” speaks of embracing practicing the presence, listening deeply to your inner voice, and knowing wherever we are, God is. She explores releasing the illusion of separation and leaning into the strength and love of God. She asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us that the gentle presence of Spirit is always supporting and guiding us.
As Ernest Holmes writes:
“The Presence of God is not some far-off thing; it is the very essence of who we are. To practice the presence is to live in the realization that wherever we are, God is.”
Enjoy the music of the Chariot Duo, Karen Drucker, and our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Practicing the Presence– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Practicing the Presence, which focuses on creating spiritual practices that remind us that the gentle presence of Spirit is always supporting and guiding us.
Practicing the Presence–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl the Chariot Duo, Jesse and Amy, as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how to truly Practice the Presence. They sing “I Will Make a Quiet Place”\ as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember the Divine is always with us, so we can be in harmony with life and with who we are..
Practicing the Presence– Reading Listen as Judy Johnson reads the January 18th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled Practicing the Presence . The reading tells us:
“Practice the Presence on a daily basis and soon you will know that you are always connected to God, always supported by its love, and all is well.”
Practicing the Presence– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “Practicing the Presence.” Practicing the Presence is living in a state of awareness and connection with the Divine in every moment. Whether we call this presence God, Spirit, Source, our guide, or Love, the essence remains the same—it is the infinite power and peace that is always with us. It is a sacred journey that leads us to the essence of our being, to knowing wherever we are, God is.
Rev. Katherine Economou tells us:
“Prayer is not about asking God to show up; it is about recognizing that God is already here.”
Imagine how much impact this community can have if we each chose to step fully into Practicing the Presence and recognize the power of anchoring ourselves in knowing our inner voice guides us.
You Are Precious Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “You Are Precious,” learning to listen to your Inner Advisor rather than your inner critic.
You Are Precious – Today’s message is “You Are Precious.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “You Are Precious.” She speaks of remembering the sacred truth of my worthiness, embracing we are precious, and learning to listen deeply to our Inner Advisor, not our Inner Critic. She explores releasing the roles, responsibilities, and struggles, which can cloud our awareness of our divine nature. And she asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us that remind us we are irreplacable in the Mind of God.
As Rumi, the great Sufi poet, expresses it poetically:
“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?”
Enjoy the music of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
”You Are Precious– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: You Are Precious, which focuses on remembering each of us is a precious child of the Divine, an expression of infinite love, wisdom, and beauty, on a sacred journey that leads us to contributing to the Universe in a powerful way.
You Are Precious–Meditation Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and the CSL singers, as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover
how to truly remember how precious you are. They sing “Face of God” as you take time to rest in the quiet of your heart and remember you are a child of the Divine and your inheritance is love and immeasurable good and joy.
You Are Precious– Reading Listen as Judy Johnson reads the January 28th excerpt from Wholehearted Living – An Enchanted Journey for Your Soul – 365 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Katherine Economou entitled You Are Precious . The reading tells us:
“The cheerleader, also known as your Inner Advisor, has some deep wisdom for you and can show you possibilities and guide you to your greatness. … listen for the quiet guidance that lives a little deeper within.”
You Are Precious– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana continues our 2025 series on Wholehearted Living with a message on “You Are Precious.” She speaks of remembering the sacred truth of my worthiness, embracing we are precious, and learning to listen deeply to our Inner Advisor, not our Inner Critic. She explores releasing the roles, responsibilities, and struggles, which can cloud our awareness of our divine nature. And she asks us to create spiritual practices that remind us that remind us we are irreplacable in the Mind of God.
As Rumi, the great Sufi poet, expresses it poetically:
“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?”
Enjoy the music of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.